MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro Photo
This lens has been around for over 25(!) years and is still one of the best macrolenses on the market today. For me the best part is the quality combined with the range. It starts at 1:1 and goes all the way up to 5:1 magnification. It allows me to always be flexible and not having to change my lens wether I want to shoot a bumblebee or a tiny jumping spider. Downsides? It’s completely manual, plus with 710 grams (25oz) its pretty heavy. As of 14 November 2022, this lens is officially discontinued. It will still be available secondhand, but getting it fixed/serviced might be tricky.

M.Zuiko ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO
Released at the start of 2023, this is a brand new macro solution. 2x magnification AF lens, there is no equivalent on the market at this time. It’s incredibly fast, sharp as anything and in my honest opinion: the future of macro photography. Paired with a micro four thirds (MFT) sensor camera you can get amazing magnification while the working distance remains comfortable.
- Pro: Best on the market, focus bracketing with flash
- Con: Expensive